Mould development

COMPONENTI GROUP   directly manages the mould design stage using the most advanced simulation software that allows it to identify beforehand:

  • the injection points which will provide optimum rapid cavity fill
  • areas showing signs of withdrawal or areas where the plastic material does not flow evenly
  • areas where material cools prematurely, inhibiting flow


To meet increasing demands on its internal toolroom capacity, we work in partnership with a company in China for the construction of moulds. This is a longstanding relationship with a well-established tool manufacturer working in a controlled environment to supply high quality moulds.


This formidable supplier base consents:

  • high quality products at very competitive pnces
  • greater mould production capacity
  • rapid delivery of first part samples (30—60 days)


The moulds constructed in China are shipped to our headquarter where they undergo final testing to ensure the finished products correspond exactly to their technical specifications.